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A member registered Aug 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your review!

Obrigada pelo feedback!
Estamos ajustando isso e logo teremos novidades!

Muito obrigada pelo retorno!

Estamos trabalhando nos bugs e queremos que o jogador tenha uma experiência boa também com a narrativa! Já planejamos alguns plot twists divertidíssimos, haha!

Espero que se divirta ainda mais no futuro!

Que satisfação enorme ler seu comentário Amanda, muito obrigada mesmo!

Amei o jogo, que coisa MAIS LINDA E FOFA!
Gostaria de contextualização sobre a história da gelatina fofa in game! Espero ansiosamente pelas atualizações, parabéns!

Ei Evandro!
Ficou mara a programação cara, de vdd.
Eu tenho dislexia e TDAH, então se precisar de tester pra ajudar com essas questões pode me chamar.
Às vezes, possibilitar acessibilidade pra gente pode ser desafiador pq a galera é normalmente imediatista, puladora de diálogo kkkkk
Mas pequenos ajustes fazem mta diferença!
Se quiser, me chama no discord pra gente trocar ideia! Tiny_Troublemaker#2207

Oi! Muito obrigada pelo retorno!

Estamos trabalhando demais pra poder deixar o jogo mais suave e proporcionar uma jogabilidade melhor pra todes.

Muito obrigada de coração!

Achei mto massa o jogo!

Fiquei um pouco triste do pombo não voar, e me incomodou muito que as telas iniciais passam muito rápido. Como pessoa disléxica, tive dificuldade de ler o texto, talvez deixar uns segundinhos a mais ajude a gente que tem umas questões com isso.

No mais o pombo tá muito fofo! Os inimigos são assustadores e o dono da loja parece bem simpático ahahaha

Bacana demais!

Nicely done!
Unfortunately the attacks weren't working on the proper direction (that the player is looking at). I was not sure what to do with the big enemy in the first stage so I got stuck there xD
But the concept is nice! I'll gladly play it once again when you finish it!

Obrigada pelo retorno!
Já estamos cientes dos bugs e vamos trabalhar pra arrumar e oferecer uma experiência melhor pra todes em breve!

Muito obrigada pelo feedback!
Já estamos trabalhando nas observações que deixaram aqui pra gente e em outras do grupo perante a entrega, esperamos entregar mais até o fim da Jam, em passando pra próxima fase dela!

(1 edit)

Audio and visual made me shiver!

The overall game needs polishing as any games coming from a jam, but I'm eager to see its full potential! Nicely done y'all!

Thank you :D

We're glad you had a small but delightful blast!

We have serious intentions on revisiting and improving this game later on. Thank you so much for playing!

Hi! Thank you for your feedback!
We were discussing about expanding this story a little further, and maybe making it a series? Ohohoho >:D
And indeed, the timing was complicated for us somehow, but we are figuring things out and we'll make improvements as soon as it's possible.

Again, we really appreciate you playing the game :D

This is wonderful! I usually like to play 1-sheet-systems, but this got me good!
I'll totally have a table of that running sometime soon. The instructions are clear, the feeling of dread is nonstop and I'm excited to put it to good use!
Thank you so much for that!

There was a glitch when I was playing and George's hand ended up in Lizzie's room. I thought it was a clue LOL xD
I had a lot of fun and it seems they have issues with one another! I'm excited to see what's coming next :D

I had a wonderful time playing it! This game is awesome!

Thank you so much for your feedback!
Some people warned us about this bug and we'll fix it as soon as the Jam is over, then thing will become clearer.
I hope you had a blast ;)
Thank you for playing!

Thank you for your feedback :D

Thank you so much for the feedback :D

Thank you very much for playing the game and reporting the bug!

We're just waiting for an opportunity to fix them and make this game an even bigger blast (LOL xD

Thank you for your comment!
We are working on the translation and the rest of the game, and we appreciate your feedback.
Actually, it was a 2 DAY Jam, and we are very happy you liked it!

Follow us for the next updates soon!