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A member registered Jun 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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My beloved.

I'm pretty sure it exits but I don't know where it is.

(1 edit)

This is probably the best Sage 2019 Mod besides Sugary Spire (if that is a mod). I really like what you're doing. Keep it up (and make the Spit Cheese grabable).


I love the Read Me.

Love the "L" Rank Message.

I can't beat this because it lags so much and also if you change directions while holding an enemy you get locked in place F O R E V E R.

Overall, pretty cool Meme-y game.

I don't think you can.

It's a sort of epilogue mixed with a game.

This is a Unity game with N64-style graphics. A pretty good one, in my opinion, but it's not the real deal.

Não é o original, muitas coisas foram mudadas, mas algumas coisas não foram mudadas (por exemplo, a sala dos computadores ainda está debaixo das flores ao lado do edifício).

Oh. I'm sorry. I hadn't gone up there yet, so I didn't know there was a lump of dirt up there too.

The shovel is for the grave in the forest level. It is NOT useless, it lets you access what is quite possibly the only appearence of a certain character in this game.

First, boot up the game like normal and stand on one of the "holes" underneath the arch. If you hear the Main Menu theme, go back to the title screen.

So, carefully feel your way around the map and try to get to the "WORK" building. Emphasis on "carefully" because any wrong step may lead you under the map, and you can't respawn from falling here. Maybe you could restart the whole process, but that would take some time.

Stand where that big crow is and return to title. After that, start the game.

I have no idea. I just don't think you can disable it, unfortunately.

That's the neat part.

You don't.

No need, I found the document. Thank you for replying, though.

Absolutely agreed with every single point here, besides the "attraction" argument and the closing statement (also I haven't played the leak so idk how this compares to that). I just wish there was other control options (Maybe even an option to have mouse camera controls or use the Arrow Keys/WASD to move the camera, if you want to keep the "N64" theme). I would have also vastly prefered to have an option to turn the CRT effect off. It's cool, but sort of ruins immersion, especially with the emulator angle.

Hey! Cool footage! Sorry to bother you, but how did you get this? Did you input a cheat? Found it on accident? Was it luck? I genuinely want to know.

Pretty cool for a one day game. I liked it. Could be easily turned into a longer experience.

NEOGEODE community · Created a new topic Weird

This is weird. I'll look into it.

It's a cancelled game in-universe, and this is supposedly a dump of the N64 ROM.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I agree with you. The emptyness sort of adds to the ambience. This is not only an out of universe horror project but an in universe beta. My major issue is the clunky controls, fitting for the time period, but still more annoying than anything.

Ok, thanks for clarifying!

Do things that increase replay value (like multiple difficulties, achievements and different endings) count towards the 2 minutes? Or do they not count as long as each play session is 2 minutes or less?

Pretty cool concept, could  be easily expanded.


Turns out, behind the security guard, there is a paper that says that Jerry is banned from the party. He wasn't invited.

I liked the game! It was pretty funny. My favorite character was, of course, Spooky Ghost. I also love how Jerry is in the "Can't enter the party" list. Fits in pretty well with his character.


A pretty fun arcade game. It kept me playing for a bit.

(2 edits)

I like it, but I feel like it needs more Pizza Theming.

It's pretty fun!

It doesn't seem to use Checkpoints, and you need to focus on Checkpoints.


Pretty cool. It would be nice if it had sound, but as it stands, it is pretty cool.