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A member registered Feb 15, 2022

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(1 edit)

i kinda wish there were a way to upgrade the amount of seed slots we get, instead of just the four we are given for the entire loop...

-> c.h.a.d. is an absolute must for sun production
-> bob's brain is another must-have, since a lot of the better units are way more expensive, and require a c.h.a.d. spam gambit
-> you're pretty much left with two slots for other kinds of units, one of which is probably instalocked to cube of meat's defense (which. given that a lot of enemies can instakill, makes cube of meat kinda bad after looping)

i'd totally be fine if you could only buy one additional seed slot after looping the game, from the item shop at 99 coins, similarly to replenishing lawnmowers after a boss battle

the hardys are stupid overpowered, and even two of them can easily break a run, let alone the many that are spammed at you...
i wonder if they break after three charges like usual? it doesn't really feel that way...