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A member registered Feb 06, 2023

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thank you for the info!

dang, feels kinda sad tho that 3 hours of my life were wasted for something that doesn't exist eugh-

used to it ngl
being an internet user forces you to get used to spending hours willy-nilly hahahhhh

welp, again thanks immensely!!

(slight spoilers ahead-)

I can now rest in peace  and erase my notes and battle plans me of trying to get meself a mantis alien hubby and adopted, traumatised child, no am not obsessed wut are talking abou-


Been trying to get most of the achievements but the ones I've been having trouble with are the ones with Joia and Rhaxa.

May someone give me a slight step-by-step process on how to get those?

The achievements are something along the lines of that monster-fricker achievement

and that Joia achievement where the meme "if (insert cute entity) dies, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself" perfectly encapsulates it lol

but somehow, I keep messing up on both of those fronts. My operative just does not seem to pass both of their vibe checks dammm-

At the very least, Rohan's was- heh, EASY, in comparison.
yeahhhh bet you feel insulted didn't ya, Rohan, u piece of shi-


pls TT
am begging-

I got a trio of my early-game plant bebes. Simple but they all have their own unique charms.
Cinqo, seis and siete. Most dynamic golden trio out there. 

(1 edit)

I have a pink-bulbed, rare-stemmed, prairie star to present to you, fellow pink plant wanter. The stem is the only thing special about it though, apparently.

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