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Allie Vera

A member registered Jul 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Damn! What an undertaking this must have been. Kudos for getting so much game done in so little time- and a good one at that!

Walker has me fully charmed, even with a pistol to my gut. Visuals, sound (VA? in 36 hours? Insane!!), and writing all meshed together so well to create a killer vibe. If only I could grab my own drink at the Desert Blossom!

Beautifully written, and great use of the flower sprites to convey the turns the story took. Your games are great at packing a lot of emotion into a short runtime, and it really shines here!

I really like the unique framing created with the sprite placement/movement + NVL- it almost felt like reading a stage play as it was acted out in front of me. Nice work!

Oh, I love this take on the themes. You executed this concept so effectively! It gave me shivers to see it all unfold. Fantastic work.

You made really good use of limited visuals to create a full experience- excellent work!

When I hit that pivotal moment, my heart dropped. The fact that you made this in eight hours in insane! All my props.

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I really enjoyed both the story and the visual style, and it’s crazy how many little touches you managed to get in with such a short time frame! That final mini-monologue from Valen was absolutely aces (/w\). Nice job!

It’s such a joy watching your stretch your wings with VN development. This game gave me all the warm fuzzies! I’m sure Bianca will forgive us…hopefully :x LMAO

What a sweet entry! Perfect for spring- this makes me want to go for a walk in a flower garden. Glad I was able to help Cecil and MC patch things up! :]

Niine!!! ;_; I wanna believe we saved them…we can rebuild!!!

Managed to get 3 out of the 4 endings, and hunting for the fourth. Your games always captivate me! Excellent job. Also I may or may not be a little in love with Idony- I love her character and design!

I’m wishing them the best of vengeance!! :} Maybe Ruth will get to shoot the lid off of something, in time. Great work!

Every aspect comes together to portray a unique, quiet pain in a perfect way. This one will stick with me. Fantastic work.

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Sad, reflective, beautiful. Prompted me to text my family. Great job!

Ohhh, I really like this one. What a cool world! I’d love to see more if you ever decide to expand on it :]

Happy dev-niversary!! So excited to see what comes next! :]

Oh man, this one put a lump in my throat. Tenderly written, heartbreaking, and sweet.

Someone has to stay strong! :>

This is such a cool premise, I love! I could have kept dialing numbers all night, honestly, but the plot hooked me just as much, and I love the followup in the new game+! If I had to pick a favorite call I think it’d have to be the 911 call- call me a sap, but I’ve been on both ends of that conversation and it really touched my heart.

Ohhh that ‘goodnight’ scene…so well played. I love how you gave a heavy weight to both sides of the promise, and the way you cast a single promise in so many different lights in such a quick and effective way. This one’s going to stick with me for a minute.

Our poor bird! The story carries plenty of weight for something so short, and the painted sprites really sell it.

This game just oozes style! I may or may not have hit the save/load buttons more than necessary >v>; Everything really comes together nicely- I like the attention to detail you managed to incorporate, like Quin being the odd one out in terms of visual design, or Willow + our ‘friend’ moving around the screen.

I don’t think I’d ever want to be under Apollyon’s care, but it was so fun reading him! You created a very interesting group of characters, and I could see us following them for many stories to come! :]

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Full VA for a jam this short? You have my admiration! I like how you kept the story simple, allowing you to add touches like voice acting and a variety of backgrounds to really make the story shine. Awesome job!

PS I didn’t expect the audio choice when testing volume 🤭

Another banger game from you! I really liked the layers of your VFabula game, and I was so pleased to see some of that again with this entry even with the shorter time frame. You always give just the right amount of detail!

Damn, an emotional punch! I love these types of stories, and it feels like you’ve got it down to the details here (I loved the screen change anim!) Excellent job!

What a fun, twisty story! I love the moody atmosphere you’ve set with the art. Great work!

Effective use of a short time period and small word count. I want more! What an intriguing (and heartbreaking) cycle.

Ooh, love and promises gone awry in the apocalypse! Great emotional balance!

Ohhh, wow! This is packed with style, and the story took a direction I didn’t expect at all. Love!

Loved the twist with the designs!! It reminds me of Lackadaisy- giving us the best of both worlds in facial expressions and body mannerisms both human and feline. Awesome work!

So many parts of this are stuck in my head now. I love this.

I've drawn a little piece of fanart for every (EVERY) game in this jam!! Itch is awful and won't let me embed, but you can find the Twitter thread here:

Once again, thank you all so much for taking part in our game jam, and much love for sharing your stories and games with the world!!

I waited until the full release to play, and the wait was worth it! Everyone in the cast oozes charm and character, and I was completely reeled in by Josephine and Salem's shenanigans from line one. The expressive sprites, the snappy dialogue that encapsulates their dynamic so well, the CGs- there's so much to love here, and it deserves way more props!!

Aaaa this is so good! Your hard work is paying off in spades- this is such a seamless experience. I found myself noting and appreciating so many different parts of the game aspect- to say nothing of the story (intriguing!) and the characters (I already want to pursue every route, and learn more about all of them, route or no route!). The magic almost being like a sort of engineering is such a cool approach as well. I can't wait for Chapter 2!!

Goddamn! The title wasn't kidding- the time limited choice made me feel like I was in the moment, making such a heavy choice. The CG for the fleet choice was gorgeous, and something that I'll be thinking about for a while. Great work!

I'm such a sucker for this kind of story- as soon as I saw the line about The King in Yellow, I knew it was gonna be wacky Wacky, and damn did you deliver! Oscar's gotta be my favorite, as a shining example of how cool and awesome and talented editors are B)

You really pulled quite a game together, down to the details! Min-ji's struggle really tugged at my heartstrings- good thing Fenix's adorable bunny avatar is there to lighten the mood and guide the way ;v; Lovely entry!