if i remember right it was the top option when he made the pizza and asked out opinion :3 but dw ab it! it a minor mistake that could happen to anyone ^^
Recent community posts
i usually don't play demos before the full game is out or at least we know the release date but... absolutely amazing. i'm fully heartedly waiting for the full release. absolutely love your art and writing..
the way it started confusing but as time went on, and i kept playing and the pieces started to merge and make sense. absolutely love this and eager to see what this will end up being!
even tho it came out few years ago i still carry hope that this will continue some day, absolutely love your every work and the way you can tell how much effort you put into things.
overall just absolutely gorgeous demo.
i have kept seeing the game while scrolling and i finally decided to play.. just.. wow.. the game and art is absolutely amazing! i was confused at first how there is 3 endings but then after second run it made sense.. the game is absolutely beautifully done and just amazing, i knew i would suffer but it was all worth it.
absolutely amazing work.
both times i played through this.. this game made me cry more times that i would like to admit- it describing geist's touch as cold is so accurate and the way i can relate to the mc way too much.
i still don't know how to feel about geist.. he seems like the perfect image of an manipulative narcissistic boyfriend, but that is what i love in him- he is.. accurate?
yes he is cold and mean and sometimes heartless but still comforting.. maybe i just feel this way cause i suffer from social anxiety and have had few bad relationships but i think all the characters are done very well.
absolutely amazing work!
i love how big of a baby verrin is.. i just want to snuggle and baby him all the time :0 bud is adorable. also i just kept cracking up cause jay is prolly the most relatable mc and i felt like the game kept calling me out- yes i like beautiful monster men >:(
note to self: i need more games with goofy monster men.