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A member registered 59 days ago · View creator page →

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that is an amazing work!^^ love such games and a nice idea for the theme ^^

cute little idea. but very short. hope you work on it again ^^  

nice idea to make a musical scale but for me its not enough. the design is great and the basic concept as well... keep going ^^

cute style. the animations are great. the sanity is too soon but it´s very funny ^^

Thank you very much. It was my first Jam and I had a very good teacher on my side. :)

love everything about this! I mean... it´s with CATS. great work!

don´t really know what to say about this xD it´s fun in a strange way but I don´t really know where the theme is...

Like the concept very much. good guiding. and the artstyle is amazing!

like the style a lot. sad that the controls are buggy :(

pretty nice little game! 

The design and the sound was great. also the idea of the game. bit difficult with the controls and I only could do the first 2 things