Most interpretations of a game to come should be taken with a grain of salt; maybe they will have a refreshing spin on that style of game play, but given how CapCom milked that cash cow already, one can only hope.
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Im not good at rhythym games; I'm well aware of that. Although the fact that I cant get a final scene for the recent update even though I perfected it on easy is outrageous. not everyone is spending their lives at the arcade doing dance games, and I'm sure as heck not!
Also, I recommend adding transparent lines, so that I can tell if multiple notes are meant to be played together, as sometimes they're too close together to tell.
I've done all four endings. They all have mild variations in epilogue.
*Heavy Spoilers (Epilogues) will be strike through*
Dust and Silence occurs when you are "too" abusive to Asterion, choosing every dialogue to avoid or harm him.
The player tricks Argos, and Asterion refuses to follow the player's orders. Asterion and Argos (revived) leave the hotel universe together to live a better life, the hotel runs empty and Hermes will come to clean it up upon P and Storm's arrival and kicks them out, the player dies.
Shackled occurs when you are abusive towards Asterion, but not too much so, and agree to Argos' plan
The player pushes Asterion into the crater, effectively being minced by the wooden statue, the player falls for Argos' plan, and dies in front of Argos. Argos rescues all parts of Asterion and heals him. Argos encourages Asterion to be selfish, Asterion leaves the hotel by himself, and Argos takes his place, the pelt that he used to wear becoming sentient and molding to Argos' skin as he is now the prisoner. P and Storm stumble upon the new prisoner and interrogate him.
Welcome to the Minotaur's Hotel occurs when you are not as abusive to Asterion, and trick Argos.
The player pushes Argos into the crater, and is thought to be dead. The player drinks the poison in front of Asterion, and dies. Asterion returns to the fridge you found him in, P and Storm discover Asterion and interrogate him. Asterion becomes manic and lashes out at Storm and P and collapses. Storm and P offer to help him up and talk in the bar. It is not known whether P and Storm find what they're looking for or whether they become the new hotel owners.
As you are, I once was occurs when you make no promises about cooperating with Argos, and not "too" abusive to Asterion.
The player ignores Argos' plan, and tells him to never appear again. Asterion follows the player back to the hotel and lives out the rest of his days in the empty halls of him and Asterion, presumably torturing him. The player returns to the bus stop he obtained The Deed from, but rather finds himself in place of the old man and offers The Deed to a younger man with no defining features, presumably the next player as you become more senile.
I think your later conclusion fits best. There isn't typically a role for women to play in these kinds of FVN. If the sole focus is world-building immersion, then yes. However, I believe this creator is trying to flesh out characters they've already come up with and refining the dynamics between them. Trying to answer "why aren't there any women" in terms of world-building is a huge distraction for the writer's interest.
I can't really say I've read many FVNs with good female characters either. They're usually token characters that make rare appearances like Maria from ExcA or Cynthia from TSR. These characters are a nuisance to the story because they often kill the pacing and they don't offer much to the story so it's difficult to justify them being there. I still like them, they have interesting personalities, but they could do more than just make an appearance, nag you, then disappear for awhile as the main story continues. They become bland and predictable, and it makes the reader hate them in a way.
I'd say the better female character would be Virginia from Adastra. She doesn't appear often, but when she does, it's typically about her motives, her alliances, and her position as a woman in power. Personally, I don't really love her as a character either because she comes off as nagging you or her brother, but she does have some bittersweet moments.
Most creators who make FVNs have the goal to curate a roster of characters to romantically or sexually appeal to as many people as possible to gather support for their game. As these creators are usually single in person, and often only experienced in some coding and drawing. I'd say leave it to the people that want to make good, well-flushed out female characters that fit into the environment they've curated. While it certainly doesn't do it justice, it's best for the target audience that probably both want a men-love-men furry romance AND an interesting storyline that's well-immersed. Therefore, male characters take higher priority to accomplish these two tasks.
Roushk is so disappointing for a character that gets so many lines in TOS and LD. He's so poorly written in this game, the characterization LD built up for him was completely erased. He's not even Roushk at this point, he's a completely different character. He's drawn like some swamp princess with muscles. He's just.. a guy.
Where's his stiff stature? Why is his reservation? Where's the mention of the human in LD, he was under the curse of lust before the human came along and couldn't possibly find a ring for Othra then unless this was before the Curse. He's just so emotionless.