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Love the concept and the artwork is great. Particularly like the grey / pink colour scheme too - makes a really good looking faction.

Thanks Tin, that’s too kind! Much appreciated. 

Yeah  less moving about does make them weaker, but there a few factions who struggle with particular opponents. And if you place them well they cover a lot of paths - or you can pivot to a craft and blowing up clearings strat…

Ha thanks! I tried to dog into the theme with this but not as much as you have! 

This is such a great concept and the art from Freya Hartas is so insanely good 

Thanks! The Harrier’s tail always slightly annoyed me! Yeah it’s optional. ‘You may move….”   I probably should have written the rules out

(1 edit)

I love this concept!  "Sbeve Jobs" Brilliant

Thanks! I was checking yours out and I love the Mesoamerican theme. Good luck to you too!