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Alexios Vasilakis

A member registered Jan 18, 2023

Recent community posts

I know this is kind of late but I've sent you a request on discord: alexiosvasilakis

Hey, add me on Discord to discuss more! 
Alexios Vasilakis#6638

Sorry for the late reply. We're technically full at the moment. The voice would probably not fit the them but I will definitely add you to my list to suggest to other devs or for any future project ^_^

Hey there. We currently have 2 people interested in composing already so it might get a bit too crowded in there. I'll keep you in mind though in case anything changes!

I've added you on discord

I've added you on discord

Hey there, as for the "Writer" role, I am working on a Dark Fantasy ARPG project (team of 40~ people). Add me in discord if you're interested to learn more:
Alexios Vasilakis#6638

(2 edits)

Hey everyone. I've banded up with a fellow Game Designer and are working on a portfolio piece in Unreal Engine 5. It's an immersive story driven RPG experience with the intention of applying to CDPR. We'd like to wrap this up in about a month from now. Latest deadline would be something like March 15.The piece will feature a segment of a quest. You (as the player) are a "Problem Solver" of sorts, brought to a research facility to contain an outbreak. This will include:

  • Exploration and soft detective gameplay
  • Dialogue with NPCs
  • Simple FPS combat with some enemies

Our intention (as Game Designers) is to create a short sequence (4-5 minutes) of recorded* Gameplay, which we would then voice over to explain Gameplay. However, we thought that this could be an opportunity for more people to showcase their skills, add a piece to their portfolio and help make this more polished as well. We could use:

  • Extra animations for the player (FPS perspective) and some NPCs (not combat).
  • Models for NPCs, weapons, or possibly some environmental assets as well.
  • Cinematics artist.
  • A lighting artist.
  • VFX artist.
  • Voice actors or people willing to build that kind of experience.
  • A composer who could help with the music tracks of the sequence or some added sound effects.

Feel free to reach out if you want to learn more and/or join us in our quest 

*PS: The level will be playable. By "recorded" we mean that we will create only the path we will play (and showcase in the video), rather than all the possible paths.