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A member registered Apr 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello ! Thank you very much for your feedback ! I'll think about it when I work again on this project ! :D

Nice Game !

I wish you also gave the option to move with zqsd, it would have made my azerty keyboard experience 10x better.

I think the puzzles are the most interesting part of this game. The theme of the jam, "out of control" actually makes the game slower, which is a shame. I think you can ask yourself, if you want to continue to work on this game, how to improve the game without the theme constraint.

I find funny the concept of not being able to control the trajectory of the car. You can see death comming your way and you can do absolutely nothing to avoid it. I guess this perfectly answer the theme of the jam !

That said, I think this is also frustrating for the player (please let us shoot forward!).

Frustration is not really a felling you want your player to feel, especially in a context of a jam, when we have mountains of other games to rate and quiting to move on at any frustration is reaaaallly easy for any of us.

The game has some issues regarding lisibility that could be an easy fix.

To make it better you should think of changing the color of the enemies so that they don't blend like that in the background. You can also give them a contrasting outilne.

You should think about the camera. Maybe the car shouldn't be in the center of the screen, but closer to its bottom so that the player could see the enemies arrive.

Regarding the design of the game itself, you really removed the player's control. Next time you want to do something like that, maybe try to think about how to give the player the illusion of loosing control without making the game too frustrating.

It was a really nice game, even if I could not finish it. I think if you work on it again, you should add some feedback (sounds, visual effects, dialogue, etc.) so that the player understands their actions when they experiment with the puzzle.

Thank you ! If I keep working on the game I'll think about a way to make it accessible !

Such a great experience ! Thank you ! :D

(1 edit)

😱 Thankkkkkssss

edit: It should be fixed now ! Sorry for the error!

Merci beaucoup ! C'est super motivant :D 

Super jeu ! Je serai curieux d'en voir une version plus polish dans le futur ! :D

Merci ! :D Le thème est autour du papillon et de sa metamorphose, mais c'est assez discret / sous-terrain ^-^

Je vais y réfléchir ! J'ai encore beaucoup de trucs à apprendre sur twine donc un version complète, améliorée, et plus interactive encore de cette histoire est envisageable ^-^

Merci pour le feedback! Je prendrai ça en compte si je dédie du temps à en faire une version complète.

Merci pour le feedback !

Note comment tu le sens ! ;)

Hey ! Merci du feedback ! :D

Pour le thème de la métamorphose [SPOIL INCOMING], j'ai décidé d'utiliser le papillion et sa métémorphose comme motif à la base de l'histoire (les papillions de nuit, la métamorphose de la statue, la métamorphose du royaume, la changement de camp de certains personnages, et la métamorphose du joueur qui doit se mettre dans les chaussures d'un personnage qui fait ses propres choix romentiques et d'obédience).

Ca n'allait pas plus loin, j'ai juste eu le temps de faire un chapitre ! Peut-être que je ferai la suite un jour :D

Merci pour le feedback !

Drôle et effrayant ! C'était super ! :D

Impressionnant ! :D