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A member registered May 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Good idea !

The game is very polished and beautiful, the gameplay is interesting and a lot of additional mechanics can be imagined.
Congratulations !

Great idea !
The gameplay is cool and fun and the enemies and bonuses force us to take risks.
Random generation and improvements are a good addition that makes you want to go further.
Congratulations !

Thank you very much for your feedback!
We are happy that you like it, we had never made a game in vanilla javascript before and it was a challenge,
we are happy with the result and we intend to finish it and improve it after the end of the game jam! 😁

Yes we are sorry, there is no interaction with the game at the moment, we ran out of time. Thanks for the feedback, I edited the description

Yes we are sorry, there is no interaction with the game at the moment, we ran out of time. Thanks for the feedback, I edited the description

Great game, I found a bug, you can go over the walls by climbing on the solar panels like a staircase

The concept is too well found and it brings different strategies depending on the player. The cards look a little weird when they snap to the lines but other than that the design is cool and minimalistic, the music is good too

Very nice game, the effects are well found and the levels are varied, the pixel art design with the 3d dice is very pretty !