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A member registered Jul 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Looks amazing, fit the theme really well too

Addicting, got to the part with 3 towers of 2-block tall platforms jutting out

Fun, I like the colors

love the art

That's what I was going for!!

Fun game, loved the easter eggs especially! Felt like everywhere I went there was more to discover

rlly fun

Gets too hard to quick, but overall rlly fun

One of my favorite submissions, with some balancing it could be a really good game

Love the visuals, the game was really easy though

You should randomize the speed of the bar every time it bounces on the side, it's too easy to get used to the speed. I like the animations and art

I spammed at the very end to see if you hid anything hahaha. Fun game

Thank you, that means a lot! I was thinking the exact same thing for the title screen. I'd like to continue the game, and one of the first things I'll change is the cloud generation, I just threw it together, but I'll make sure there's always a possible path and probably sparser clouds at the beginning of the game in the future!

Thank you, I'll have to look into that


trippy asl I like it

Love the polish!

after some time I was able to memorize the codes and beat the game! auto move is definitely too slow, but I really love this idea

This is a really creative idea, I like how you did it

Thank you!

Thx for playing! If I had the time and patience, I'd add a way to make sure there's always a possible path

My record is 11091, this game is more about the soundscape than a challenge tho

Bugged out on lvl 3 but this is actually a really fun mechanic, you could totally expand on this sometime. Impressive what you were able to do!

let's see if anyone can beat my score of 19 :)