That's mega dope that your listening out for that stuff too.
I love this universe, and i want to see alot more of it.
Recent community posts
Additionally, the Music and sound design were unified with the visuals.
I think "show, dont tell" will heavily benefit a follow up to this.
alot of descriptions of the horrifying things happening to these apple people, but we could really use some visual storytelling to sell that more so than the actualy "this happend, and then this happened" Though- the choice of words and descripions were pretty cool, i found myself rappid left clicking through what seemed like miles of text.
Maybe this wouldn't be so noticable if there were more songs, and little additional things to to do, it has a point and click adventue vibe, so maybe some quests, and exploration of the apartment complex, and more of a taste of the world, the mold, and the inhabitants in this Rot.
terrfying, lovely, and lots of room for exploration to be found.