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A member registered Aug 08, 2023

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(2 edits)

I'm not a developer, but I can tell you from my observation that the paths are slightly different in terms of dialogue or scenes, but in general they follow the same line. Second, "hamsters", they are hidden in locations where they can be seen, but not much, finding them unlocks the picture in the phone, they are about the character with whom GG communicates or sees. Third, I do not know, it seems that it is a mixture of 2 and 3 d,But it seems to me more to 3d, with this question it is better to the developer, I hope I was able to answer some questions. Good luck

Sorry but I think it's funny at the end of 0.26.1 where gg said "You're not reina" and after that I had a semi-screamer but after that I started laughing xD, 

(скорее бы 0.27.1 но по моим подсчётам она будет ± через 2 недели (16 дней) в общем доступе, так?) 

so Good luck in development and less stress, 

Und für die Zukunft kann ich so schreiben, ich habe gerade einen normalen Übersetzer in meiner Tastatur gefunden, plus oder minus, ich freue mich darauf. 

Sorry for the inconvenience in translation, I seem to have woken up bipolar about the languages in which I write. Everyone who reads have a nice day. 

No problem, i understand that

If you want i can help with translating but only in summertime, in not summertime i need teaching

(2 edits)

Np, you game so satisfish, it Will be great about translate, i have seat in this about 3-4 hours but im feel this how 30 minuts. I Just see this game on one of tg channels on russian language but it was auto translated by Google translater then you know) get luck with your's projects(i have 2:45 of night then posting this reply) 

Edit:and i Just watch in translater my reply witch i write by hand, this not bad(im have 4(3,58) by english language on the 10 class) 

(2 edits)

Hello, sorry for my english and spelling as i am russian, but i would really appreciate if you add russian language, because the versions i found were very badly and unrelatedly translated, they were on 0.18.2, but in all you made this great, thanks

(если шарите то спасибо, та версия закончилась там где аки сказала что это не правда, ну а так просто не хочу ебатся с переводом:))