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Achille Christian

A member registered Feb 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Yesterday I published the free version of an app "Heaven or hell" that may evoke quite some attention, positive or negative. Hardly anyone has seen it yet.

Sometimes I hesitate to call it a 'game'. Since it is a simulation of the future of a player's soul when it comes to (yes, no less than) going to heaven or... (much worse than that). You may not believe that kind of stuff but I aim at people in the US or elsewhere who do (like to) believe in that. I am perfectly serious in this. The free version is basically a scorecard with 15 questions that need to be answered. The paid version has 40 questions, along with some more extra options.

I made this in the form of a game, meeting angels who ask the questions. I am very curious what you think.

There is the page and there is my own website. For now there are Windows and Android versions The Windows version will not arouse warnings from e.g. Windows Defender if it is run inside the well-known and useful app. Outside the app it can be played as well, but only by clicking on 'More info' and 'Run anyway' or something like that.

Achille Christian.