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That's weird. I tried it with my own XBox One controller, and next and eject are swapped, and interact is correct.
Guess that's just some Picotron weirdness. It is still young software. If I'm not mistaken the order for non-Nintendo controllers is south, east, west, north, but apparently Picotron is south, west, east, north? Idunno. The last two buttons don't even have names, yet, so it's just gonna have to be weird garbage until Zep sorts it out.
I'm making this in Picotron, tackling it one mechanic at a time.
Still a ways off from any actual sexy mechanics, but I've got the core game loop planned out, so I know when and where they're gonna happen.
Edit: I love how's video embedding barely works. It looks like now there's some embedding garbage at the end of my message I can't get rid of, so... Enjoy that.
I'm not sure what you mean. If you're wanting for more sprite variations in the belly, I can confidently say it's not going to happen, as 3 spikeyness levels * 7 sizes * 3 frames = 63 unique sprites was already an ambitious undertaking, and some people already want me to make more for testicles and breasts in the future.
There's already an (admittedly basic) visualization of which cavity each object is in, and full animations for inserting and ejecting them.
Trying to do some sort of internal physics system so you can see stuff bouncing around would be a nightmare to get working smoothly, and it would be both a lot of effort and not be very readable if I made an X-Ray view or something.
What I have right now is a compromise I'm pretty happy with for what I want to achieve, and I think when the game is more mature the focus will shift away from the visual aspect, and more towards Riley's confounding presence in this world.
If you're talking about the browser version, I don't think there's anything I can do about it. When I was testing this with Firefox, this problem would occur when the game couldn't access its data (which is in a separate place from the HTML) because of the browser's security measures. should solve the problem just by the way it hosts the game, but maybe it doesn't work the same for all browsers.
If you're talking about the standalone .exe, as far as I know that should work fine, as long as it's being run on a Windows machine. If that's the case, though, that's a concerning problem that I might be able to fix if I can recreate it.