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A member registered Sep 21, 2017

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(1 edit)

you could maybe add more destination output fields (as many as one likes to use) and as many trucks as one likes to have. but scale the price for the transport much harder based on distance. so you would use trade routes for long distance because it is cheaper and not just because the other mechanic is so tricky to use.

if you want to force trade routes upon the player please remove the destination tab so everything is done with trade routes. it is just not fun to make the mechanic as cumbersome as possible just to enforce the use of trade routes. this is not a puzzler but a simulation so i think doing the whole transport stuff as a player should not be micro management of every truck. please rethink the concept.

the problem is that the amount of buildings being supported is not always 1, 2 or 3 depending on the distance to the target. in my current game i can support more than 4 buildings which is clumsy because i need to use 2 outgoing routes to other factories and 1 to a warehouse and then 3 from that warehouse to other factories (because the warehouse can also only support 3). that just doesnt feel intuitive at all. its not even fun because it gets complicated really fast.

in addition i actually played many games where i never used trade routes because there is really no point. maybe instead of inhibiting the use of the destination tab remove it from buildings completely. then it would be possible to use trade routes with the truck depot to carry wares from/to factories and train trade routes for long distance. would imho make much more sense. it is always nicer to only have one mechanic instead of 2 competing options where one is unnecessarily complicated/restricitve to force the player to use the other mechanic as well.

(2 edits)

do not know where else to give feedback:

using the warehouse/truckdepot is really counterintuitive. as in i could not get the truck depot trade routes to work at all. why only get 3 outputs from the warehouse? would also be nice to set the warehouse as a source for specific products in your buildings. the push trade route concept is very limiting.

in addition the whole concept of only ever being able to transport to 3 locations is just terrible. you cannot get a nice balance between your buildings. balancing output/input should be fun and not tedious and illogical.

also since the last patch getting profitable production lines is impossible for some products.