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A member registered May 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello everyone!

Austin Benjamin here to talk about a new monthly game jam for 2022 that I want to host! I been working hard on getting a website up to specialize on social networking and communication securely and quick for my own game but decided to open it up to host game jams with the socializing accruing on the new website. In the future I want to be able to offer a huge marketplace of games developed by small creators and focus on providing for those creators.

I want to run game jams to build up a community of creators to achieve a goal and that is to provide a place of potentially financial help and encouragement for creators. I myself now working from 1 in the morning to 12 in the afternoon in order to provide and keep what I would like, I always developed games but never once earned anything good from it even tho I spent so much of myself into the games I made so I decided what if using game jams to offer a whole marketplace to creators to add games to be downloaded and played but better yet also provide a way for creators to earn from their work. My idea is to give players of the Benjamin Ace Marketplace our own digital currency to be given to creators to be converted by Benjamin Ace to the currency of your choice fiat or digital to which we hope starts to increase competition and quality of games being submitted to our games while increasing the number of game production libraries, assets and tools to help you exceed and grow. None of my content right now is huge or popular but I can promise it's secure and ready to be put to the test as I work on growing and providing more for everyone. Games are art and while NFTs are getting popular, it's time for interactive art creators to earn more which I deem more fair as every game creator is unique and highly more talented.

I really hope to see creators join and publish! I can't wait to see what is submitted and working on ways to encourage more creators and increasing the rewards we offer to participants regardless of placing in the game jam itself. I would love any feedback and will gladly answer any and all questions of the process going into the game jam and how we plan to grow it into a jam series so competitive  and extremely fun!

Here is the game jam link! -

2022 will be the year of game jam creators, and I will work hard to make sure that happens.

- Austin