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A member registered Jul 24, 2023

Recent community posts

you did a great job on making the game, how ever I would recommend making the objects bigger or the screen smaller as the basket was very hard to spot initially.

its very simple and nice how ever I feel like it is very hard to actually complete because the ball wouldn't hit the last few. also the furthest right hand set of ships would not move with the rest.

the art is very charming and I love the music and seeing that is based on something from your D&D campaign I'm curious as to what is happening because this is adorably funny.

I like the artwork, the music, and the idea, However I feel as though the obstacles spawn too close together, the game became to easy when I realized I could just fly off screen, and the game isn't very clear on how the darkness mechanics actually work, nor does it state how many candles you can hold or the max life you can have.

The sound effect are incredibly loud and hurt my ears. the game is incredibly simple but it is still a enjoyable little time waster.

I love the art and the music. its not much of a challenge but the game is very enjoyable none the less and there aren't any bugs (atleast that I found).