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A member registered Mar 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Lovelove it

Very nice! Unbelievably addictive and so nice that one has to first try hard not to think in Minesweeper-way. I am not sure if I would want my dash in thinking mode to work that way, though (it moves too fast), so something in that would need either better instructions for a player like me, or a change to something else.

Games Now! lecture series run at least two online jams per year. But we also have lecture open for anyone once a month! More info at:

Best way to stay informed is to join our community at GN! Discord server:

The theme of the jam is "Relation"! Check the keynote talks at:

Ooh! Book adaptation Bitsy! Love your graphics too.

I love the way that the cats move!

Hello all, please register to the jam here:

Thank you! :)

I really like the background thingy (what is it called?)! I have a faint memory that I have seen similar type of Tetris variant years back... Hmm... Cannot remember where, though.

Why exactly did you pick raymarching, btw? :)

Hi! I love the dragon! I hope you are able to make this playable soon. :)

Poetic coffee game! I love it! I have not seen other coffee games done with Bitsy. Looking forward to see how you implement the game further, especially the story. Nice idea to use shaky fonts! :)

Haha! So addictive! I also really loved the narrative. I would have wanted the presents to be bigger (It took me second gameplay session to realize that I lose the packages). 

Aaah, such cool looking game and good gameplay feel. I don't suck at it! I really love the song too! :)

LOL: I am really bad at playing this game. It is amazingly polished for a jam game. Where did you get your inspiration from for the character?

This is really interesting mechanic. I hope you develop this further! :)

Such a cute game! I really love how the globe looks like. Did you model it yourself?

This looks really nice! I hope you develop this further and we get to see more! :)

I really love the main character! It also feels quite familiar, maybe a bit like the cat in the Kikis Delivery Service movie... cannot exactly put my finger to it where the familiarity comes from. Job well done for the entire team! :)

This is so polished! But also: great idea! :) I wonder how those foods would taste like in real life. What were your inspirations for the game mechanic?

I really like the idea of this game! :) Such a nice story!! Did you consider this as a co-op game at any point?

Congrats on finishing a jam game! :) The game looks nice. I did not have time to test it, but I would love to see more sauna-cards also on other games. Makes me feel like skipping a turn is actually a good thing! :D I love it that you used Procreate! 

Preeeetty impressive! Great job!

Fun! I feel like I am making a huge mess while cleaning up, so I guess: realistic?

Thanks! It was fun to make!

It is lovely!