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A member registered Aug 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your gameplay!! Sadly, you found a new bug. Thanks for that anyway, so we can fix it!. Thanks again <3

Thank you so much!!!! ❤

Thank you so much for playing and sharing ❤🙏

(1 edit)

Thank you a lot!!!! ❤❤❤

P.S  Number 1 is a secret, you will know more in the future 😉

Thaaaaanks!!! We hope in the future we can translate it to Japanese

Thank you!!! <3

Niceee! Thank you so much for your review! We are working on the next update for a better version of the demo. Thanks again :)

Thank you a lot! We really appreciate your gameplay <3 54 minutes of pure awesomeness. We are gonna make and update soon, we just had a problem with our computers, so we are trying to fix it, soon as possible we are gonna upload the new version.

Heey, thank you so much! <3

Thank you a lot! We know you have a lot of questions, but we want to answer them in the full release! Thanks again <3

Muchas graciaass amigo <3!!!

lol thank you for your gameplay! We are still in development, so if you want more fps, try playing in high, and in windows mode (f11). Thanks again :D

We really appreciated <3 

Thank you :) <3 !!

It is confusing! But we are gonna answer some questions soon. Thank you so much for your gameplay, pretty funny! 

Thank you very much! It was a pretty dope gameplay! We are gonna fix the velocity on the text, thanks you ;)

Thank you so much! <3

(1 edit)

#Update1; We are happy to see people playing and discovering stuff here's a full gameplay  (spoiler alert duh) ;

Thank youuu!!! We love the cut that you did in the "fight" with those targets :D, really funny <3

Thank you so much! Yeah, we are gonna complete thihs game no matter what, there is a lot of support from you guys :') Thanks. We are gonna fix the main bugs, then focus on finish the story.

Sure thing we do! We love your gameplay, pretty funny. Thank you so much for sharing it! It means a lot <3

Thank you SO MUCH for your support! We gonna do our best to take this project to the next level. Thank you again!

(3 edits)

We are happy to announce our first project!  

A Fake Game

A Fake Game it's a Third person experimental/adventure game.

We are not experts at all, this is our very first "big" project, so any critiques are welcome! Thanks for playing/sharing! :D