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A member registered Nov 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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it looks so cool....

ahhh making a double game ;)

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download  if you find it hard to create a HDF file you can DL one from this link, just boot from installer ADF and reformat it. I do not have a YouTube channel anymore, traffic was so low that the maintenance of it was not worth it.

I'm sure there are tutorials on YouTube on how to install Amiga OS 3.2, after this is running check that emulator has correct config, memory CPU Network RTG ect. then install 32se 1/2 and 2/2 if you have that ;), you can add a directory to emulator and from pc/Mac side add those 2 32se lha files to that so you have a easy install point from emulator. have fun hope this helps you ! 

You can also start with fs-uae, get it to work and then move HDF file to win-uae and figure out the settings, fs-uae is a lot easier to use and to get it to work.

Maybe you did not run hdtoolbox and made a partition into your hdf and formatted after a reboot and then run the installer ?

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Hi, There is only predefined status to choose, nothing fits this, so I selected complete as there is no development going on. All other status suggest development is active. maybe I should give it v1.00 ;) If I update it, it will be v1.00 then

Is the JAM dead ?


Hi Cammy,

If a Amiga game had a sequel say on PC, is it ok to make a conversion of the PC version for the Amiga ?


aaarghhhhh, thanks for pointing it out... setting hidden in all other stuff easy to miss ;)

It was cracking like overdrive in volume on first version, so I lowered the volume of the sample file and now V4SA core 10000 has clean audio. you can try edit audio file  with Wavebox and lower the volume level more...

The "halo" is to mimic sword swing ;) thanks for the input

Game needs Workbench environment +RTG, old games like those running on mini are direct HW bang on chipset. but if there is WB + RTG on it then it's just to run it !

I would still guess it's cpu libraries that's not correct or not installed

If you get "install Modules first" then in CDROM there

is a /adf/ModulesA1200_3.2-adf diskette, double klick

copy from diskette c to sys:/c Loadmodule command

Hi, You have to install all from CD rom OS3.2, it means after running installer, rebooted, run installer again, choose glow icons and install, run installer again choose "cpu modules?" don't remember correct name but you see something CPU related and this is the modules and install., then make a backup before continue with 32se ;) 

backup all first, then run disk 2 only and follow instructions as they come. since jump is pretty big I would run both discs full install, but save first all things you added and full backup you never know what's missing util you need it ;)



It's not shareware, PD etc. ;) 

Thanks for your input!

can U import themes too ?

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price may change in the future ;), every buyer even it's free right now is receiving a single license for personal use!

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Try again ;) Thanks for the input !!!! Let me know how it goes!

I'll check ;)

try out 7.56 let me know how it goes....

thanks for input.... I'll check....


ohhh sorry, it was a small error in ss, tested in Vampire and thought don't need to verify in emulator, but as ss was edited and it's the only file they don't share and .... damn ;).  new fresh ones are available !

It's tested with my BIG drive hmmm ;), MUI 5.0 on 32se release tonight around CET20.00

Thanks for the input ;)

MiamiDX is also provided with OMNI

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Did requester for BOOT: disappear ? 

OMNI ApolloBoot installer actually adds icon.library amongst other files...

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How is AOS3.2 installed, with what tool or is it hard install? I've just got my first Vampire V4sa and I'm in learning mode ;) Why not use OMNI? ( renamed BOOT: got the error on boot, added Assign and BOOT request was gone, I don't know what todo more, OMNI ApolloBoot install works)

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It's intended for OMNI ApolloBoot manager

edit startup-sequence and put this as first line on top

Assign >NIL: BOOT: RAM: 

Both disc 1 & 2 has been updated with the fix!!!

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Next update should keep all QDock settings and app intact+other dock etc.

I see you got the WBDock loaded in correct way, nice you found my latest invention ... all Themes has own WBStartup

and thanks for the notice!

Looks cool, yeah the updater only thinks as 32se sort of, the system itself is small, backup like system, s, wbstartup folders or all workbench if you have room for it and add back what was overwritten. QDock folder is in system folder, backup and put back after a update ;) I'll see if there is a improvement for next update to be made!


1. Yes,  it's on Aminet as well

2. Yes I believe so, have not used any

3. Yes, AB3_Templates are multitasking AHI, RTG 


You need to first time set compiler path, all sources has own path so need to set the one or all you want to run.

They are set as I used them last, I think it's the option make smallest file size. You need to compile it where the ready compiled apps are,

then you can run the source code , hope you get it, this is a bit strange thing. You can in source code also change resolution color depth to suite your gfx card.

It overwrites icon.library and startup-sequence, best result is to install new OS3.2 with all updates and then install 32se

That's OK, there is a tutorial on both winuae & fs-uae on my youtube channel

thanks, I hope you like it and have a lot of fun !!!