Hi! and thank you.
A few people have asked about combat so it's something I need to add more detail on. I'll be sure to flesh out the Action Round section in the next update.
Action Rounds (hopefully) follow the same pattern of pay as the rest of the game, by which I mean you are faced with a challenge (an attack, in this case) and you react back and forth to the consequences. The only difference in an Action Round is that there are a limited number of things you can do before the Action Round ends.
In an Action Round, everyone spends Power to use Plays. Once everyone has run out of Power, the Action Round ends and a new one begins, and everyone gets all of their Power back.
Ideally, my hope is that an Action Round is a back and forth of using the Attack, Defend and Strategize Plays, deciding whether to act right away or hold some power back, to deal with consequences.
I'll write up a more detail example round and reply with that soon.
oh, and there seems to be a glitch on the web version of the Stats list. The numbers are there, they're just not showing. If you try to select text in one of the blank boxes where they should be, they will show up. I'll look into it and get it fixed.