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2Bit Studios

A member registered Nov 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sorry we have no idea what is causing this and haven't been able to replicate the problem. Very sorry.

The game is meant to be pretty dark but if you're having problems seeing things then you can try raising the brightness in the main menu.

A playthrough by Alpha Beta Gamer.

A playthrough by Alpha Beta Gamer

Thanks for playing our game! I think you played it before we had our bugfix version up, but nearly all of the bugs you encountered have been fixed.

And yeah, we're keen to release a VR version of this game if enough people like it!

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You can download a bugfixed version here:


- Fix rope elasticity launching the player to the moon

- Fix end dialogue in skeletons cinematic being cut off

- Fix incorrect title in system tray

- Fix corpses activating checkpoints

- Fix lava pivot having a hitbox

- Fix lava being climbable

- Fix lava not killing the player

I changed the link to the gameplay footage. I found out there was a problem with the resolution of the original recording after submission so I re-recorded it properly and uploaded it to Google Drive instead. The original link was for reference.

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Download Fixed Version Here

Changes in fixed version:

  • Fixed 'Play' button that broke during build.
  • Fixed pedestal material that disappeared during build.
  • Fixed AI blueprint that broke during build.
  • Fixed screen effect for different resolutions.
  • Fixed ending sequence UI not showing properly.
  • Added instruction in-game.
  • Scaled up wall light mesh.
  • Fixed spear trail effect not showing.
  • Packaged as shipping build instead of debug.