Woah, these are incredible! Happy I stumbled upon you just randomly searching for Half-Like assets.
If you don't mind my asking: do you custom make all the textures, and how, or are they typically sourced from images?
Thank you so much for playing and replying! The bug you're experiencing was due to a 'bandaid' fix of mine where, for whatever reason and that is probably my fault, the player character would not climb slopes despite having a rounded collider and using move_and_slide so, instead, the Y velocity (gravity) is set to zero once the player is detected to be on the floor, conflicting with the check for when the player is able to switch gravity.
I suppose in hindsight it may have been better to have just allowed to player to switch gravity mid-air. It wouldn't have been what I had wanted to do but doing that would most likely have no bugs as there evidently are now.
Very nice! Its very fun to play though the turrets can be difficult to kill given the combination of the low travel distance of bombs and how the turrets can accurately fire upon you from a fair distance.
Perhaps you could add an accuracy mechanic but only to the AI along with ammo pickups on enemy death for when you run out of bombs instead of a loss condition.