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A member registered Jun 24, 2019

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Nice little experience, nice music.

I've been waiting for this for so long, and it's just as good as I expected, except I didn't expect a full campaign mode (didn't test it yet), and all of this for free ? This is absolutely insane. I'll definitely try to throw in some money when I can, it's worth it.

For now, my only complaint would be that the ennemy AI is far too busy to beat in free race, even when set to hard.

Played all your games (even if I COULDN'T finish "I MAKE SAINTS"), and not a single one of them felt unfinished to me, or not as good as it could've been, I prefered some to others, but even the ones I liked less felt like games, great, complex, finished games. I love your work, please continue to make just want to and what comes naturally to you, because it's great this way, far more good than 90 percent of horror games i played in the past (games made by huge companies included).

I really don't know what to say, i'm speechless, this is a work of art, a disgusting, disturbing, scary, work of art. Rarely felt so uneased in my life. I loved all your games that I played, but this is the best of them. I feel like it messed with my mind and the way I see things. Loved it

(1 edit)

No problem, played a couple other games made by you (I don't remember the name, but the one with the flying train in the empty city was the first one that I played, and I love it !) and I loved all of them !

And well I'll try harder and see what I get !

Really really liked it, I love your graphical style, love the soundtrack, and it made think a lot and put me into a strange mood (between really chill and uncomfortable, a mix of both), and this is the type of video games that I think of as art, some video games are entertainment, but this is art.

[Potential Spoilers Below]

I was wondering, is there a "real ending" (like something happens and the game is over) or is the "other universe travel" an ending itself ?