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Great work. (i excuse me for my english XD)

Good grafic, easy controlls. Very nice, that it works with a controller. The escape Tipp was helpfull. On Controller actually it dont work to escape, to run or reload.

But one of the most important parts (in my opinion) in sidescolling games in the adult-sector you make in a Cathegory  everything right, where the most one failing: The Undress System!

It is a pitty, that a lot of the other games works here with the same, boring System: first hit= all amor or top destroyed, second hit= pants destroyed or naked. And with  "naked" they show a half naked female with a only undressed torso and the rest is hiding behind gloves/sleeves and boots to the shoulders and crotch. Sad and boring.

Only a handfull of them (so like you actually) make it right in my opinion

First: lots of parts who can be stripped- Its good to see, what your character can everything lost. esspecaliy the leg-clothes where shoes and socks can be destroyes seperatly and not in once. Greatful 

Second: The Random System - In my opinion it makes a lot more fun, if you dont know, what part she lost at next (in one round she is get barefoot at first, in the next one she get her tits exposed at first, in the next she loose her skirt and gloves at first....) Perfect 10/10 points :D

Third: naked is NAKED!Im glad to see that i have the choice to make it to my personal challence to defeat all enemys without loosing one part of the outfit. But im also glad to see that when she have trouble, she can stripped naked from her pretty face to her lovely soles XXD This character is too cute to hide the half of her body behind undestroyable Latex sleeves or stockings/shoes. Good work. Really

Short: Sidescrolling Games, where the charactor is nude at the start or after only one or two hits (and have than only a naked torso)it gives enough.

The way you do this here (Full outfit, completly destroyable, random destroyable, full nudity) is greatful.

i know this comment mainly relates to the undress/strip system. But after playing a few games in this sector (sidescrolling with adult/lewd content) than you see that this is a important part, where the most one fxxcked up.

I hope you keep this work going.  Cheers

Thanks, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying "Alien Lust." 

Soon I will upload a version with more content, a 3rd person view mode and the controller problems corrected.