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Day 7

halfway to go I have to get through this brick wall

So, today was spent coding. I first off coded in an intro and a result text screen for the different trainings, like so:

Don't worry about the sprite placements afterwards, I'll fix those up in no time. I just need to draw some portraits of the other trainers and it'll be good!

I also started to try and code the final day. What I want to do for the final day is have it broken down into different checks. The game will check if the player has a high enough stat of something, and if they do, they pass the check. The string coding for this is a bit wonky, however, and I don't know why. It just...keeps repeating the same string out of nowhere. See?

I'm going to give another shot at it tomorrow, but if I still can't figure out what to do, I'm gonna ask for some help. I feel like this is probably an easy fix but I don't know how to fix it...

At the very least, I've gotten progress done with the training rooms, so there's a silver lining. Still, I really wish I didn't feel so burnt out just from trying to fix a simple check. What can you do?

Here's what I want to do tomorrow:

- Buy an aux cord so I can record my music onto the computer, finally!

- Work on the text bug for the final day

- Draw trainer portraits

Anything else done tomorrow is just cake!