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(1 edit)

As said in the very first sentence in the description, I'm not going to work on this game anymore, sorry.
You can play the original:
or this:
All those games probably have fewer bugs then my version.

please can you only bring one update I only need better graphics

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "better graphics", but anyway, I'm not going to work on this game anymore.

I meant like the real Spelunky game

It is the real Spelunky game. Do you ever read the description? At least check out the first link in my first reply.

if u don't mind can I ask why u don't want to work on the game anymore

Because I have no reason to do it. It's not my creation, I'm not attached emotionally to it. I don't make any profits from this game. And working with the GameMaker engine is a PIA.