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Got all achievements in 2 tries (and 1 quick restart). Usually not a fan of biological settings, but this game's visual aesthetic was appealing to me.

Really polished and controls well. Didn't find much reason to not use both shots at once but not complaining, player felt quite powerful despite the tanky enemies. Enemy spawns were well-designed - I like that when host cells first appear with enemies, they don't obstruct them completely yet send the message that you should expect that to escalate soon.

Only two real complaints. First, the thin laser bullet seemed really small compared to the large player ship and player shots, it wasn't very easy to see. I would consider increasing its size.

Second, the theme implementation seemed cool on paper, yet in gameplay it just felt like a second HP gauge. The patient condition didn't seem to affect anything and it also seems that 6% is the lowest patient condition you can reach, which takes away from host cells' importance, turning them into little more than revenge bullet bombs. I think it would feel very natural for there to be a rank system of sorts - lower condition means more enemies, bullets, perhaps spawning host cells that attack you (similar to Misunderstoodman, another jam game). Seemed like a missed opportunity, or a cut for time. Not a big deal for a jam game though.

The rest are nitpicks. Pointblanking is a bit awkward because of the first enemy type that shoots a quick thin laser at you. Better visibility should fix it, and I would maybe add an extra 0.2-0.3s of delay before it fires. Tutorial was okay, though could do with a way to advance dialogue faster.

Overall - solid gameplay and presentation, fun to play, controls well. Interesting aesthetics and some small touches. Congrats on finishing the jam!


Thanks, super useful feedback. Your intuition is correct, I was going to make the boss harder depending on condition, but it was cut for time and because most people probably won't play enough to notice. I'll keep thinking about how I could make it more interesting.