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(2 edits)

I found a bug. After Alicia and Marian get separated, Marian doesn't return to the party. After Lamar joins, she joins the party, but her psychic is disabled in battle. She can learn skill but she can't use them.

Oh wow, that's a serious bug, and I've never heard it before! So you went through the whole game up to Lamar with just Alicia? I'm sorry, that must have been annoying.

I'll replay that part of the game and see if I can find out what happened. Do you remember if the Inner Parasite battle happened? It's when Miriam rejoins and gets her powers unlocked.

Would you like a version of the game with something added to unlock Miriam's abilities? I can put something in the school for you.

No, it wasn't annoying, just weird. Yes, the Inner Parasite battle happened. It would be lovely, but useless, since I'm in the endgame save room. If you want, I could send you the save file. 

Thanks, but I don't think that'd help. I know what switch needs to be on for Miriam to learn skills, I'm just not sure how this happened, as I haven't been able to replicate it.

The only way I can think of is if you killed the Parasite before turn 4, when Miriam is supposed to return and help (which is also when her skill-learning unlocks) but that's supposed to be impossible, as all attacks are supposed to just do 1 damage to it.

All I can do at this point is apologize and set in countermeasures to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else. I'll make sure that the start of the new content in the final build checks to make sure Miriam can learn skills as well, so you should be able to still use your save. Sorry that I don't have a better answer, but thank you very much for reporting this.

Thanks for the help.