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Oh cool, someone else who took “mouse controls” literally :D

This was surprisingly enjoyable! Controls felt a bit awkward and while I like floor hitboxes being this lenient, I feel like it made ceiling hitboxes a little too restrictive at times. I also think the game should capture the mouse and make it impossible for it to leave the screen. Not entirely sure why the cheese snaps to a grid, but fine enough.

Having the cheese be blocked by walls was a neat little idea that set this game apart from other mouse-based platformes I’ve seen in this jam. I also really want to commend the level design here; I thought the difficulty curve was pretty much perfect. Fell down a couple of times which was frustrating, but never enough so to make me give up.

THe mouse sprite is pretty cute and I liked the idea of the cheese being nibbled away if you’re not careful. The other sprites could maybe use a little more work, but they were legible enough. Some sound would have also helped.

All in all, though, I’m pretty impressed by this entry. Definitely my favourite of the rage platformers I’ve played so far.

(2 edits)

The cheese doesn't snap to a grip, it moves depending on the computer mouse's position at a speed of 18 pixels per second, I know it's weird, but that's the best I could come up with, with the little time I had haha. I know the cheese movement could be smoother. And yes, graphics could be better, I made them all too quickly. Glad you liked the game, what was your reaction when you saw what happens when you eat all the cheese? haha