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I've just downloaded this game and cannot find a Linux binary in the .rar. Could you please advise where I can find this?

rvolland you can't access Linux binary files these files contain compiled source code. is the game client working? if yes  that's set, if not there's a program called Wine which allows you to run .exe files by translating Windows API calls to calls your Linux kernel can understand.To run a .exe program you first need to install Wine.

To do so you can follow the Official Wine installation tutorial for Ubuntu

But I tried client on Linux and it works fine.

If I understand wrong please correct.

Thanks for your reply. The Itch app informs me that there is no executable file.

I am well-versed with wine, but you advertise that your game will run on Linux (I see the penguin logo displayed on this page) but the .rar file currently contains no Linux-compatible program.

To put it very simply: there are only Windows executable files in your .rar package.