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Already posted a review on Steam, but also want to leave one here:

The game is pretty good, I enjoyed playing it a lot!

There is/was a bug I encountered that the developer knows about, since I mentioned it in my Steam review. However, if you are curious, when the Werewolf kills you while you are hiding, your mouse can stop working and you need to reboot the game in order to fix it. Not a big deal, but wirth mentioning.

The performance was also iffy for me, but this can fully be my fault since I run a Intel Arc A750 and not an Nvidia system, though I do have a 2060 as my secondary GPU so I could actually check lol

The story good, I enjoyed it. Yet some more text lore would have been nice, so that way you could maybe get a peak into the werewolf's mind / loss of mind as the transformation takes over or something like this. The werewolf does seem to not be fully a wolf mentally, seeing as he locked Jane (the protagonist) in a cage after carrying her to the house. So there could have been notes written by the werewolf as he started accepting his new form or something like this. The story also leaves the ending up for questions, I will not spoil this here just in-case someone actually reads this and because I do not know if you can make spoiler tags, like you can on Steam xD

The Puzzles were nice, I enjoyed them a lot and they were a nice change of pace! I just wish that the map was a bit bigger since the game shows things in the intro that just never come back, like the cave, maybe there is a secret ending where you escape through the cave and maybe that could be a "bad ending" or something as you leave your friends behind in the house or something like this. 

I will not dwell on this too much, since I do not want to act like "Oh this game should have had this and that" because I can fully understand that making a full game like this as a solo dev is already impressive and I have a lot of respect for that!

The game does have "jumpscares", they are very few so they do not appear randomly for a "ha got you" moment. However there is one part where I called a jumpscare seconds before it happened and it got me pretty good lol

My video is pretty long but it covers basically the entire game, so if you want to check that out - and see the bug and jumpscare in action, the embeded link is up there lol

All in all, it is worth the money, it is a great game and really wish I had more of games like these, with a good amount of story, little things to do and atmosphere. Bonus points for being able to feed the raccoon, sadly tho the raccoon is not seen again after you enter the house lol