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I am going to keep testing to see If I can find what is causing this... oddly when I add a foreground element, it does add the sprite properly, but it frequently flickers in and out of the foreground. For maybe 1 or 2 frames at a  time I can see that it is indeed in the foreground overlaid on player characters and enemies. Then it flickers back into the background behind them. Even more oddly, when I open the console and keep it open, it works perfectly and the sprite is in the foreground. Never seen something like this, maybe something with the update function or some timing is getting screwed up. My project often runs slower with the console open as I'm sure many do. Too hard to pinpoint a plugin conflict since I am using so many and also some custom plugins of my own.

That is indeed quite odd! Thanks for looking into it. Let us know if you find any more about it and we can see where we need to roll out the necessary fixes :)

Any random thoughts come to your mind why this could be, Myth? I love these extensions to this battleback functionality.

If you could share with us screencaps/video of the following we can look into it as currently we are unable to replicate the issue on our side.

- List of plugins in your Plugin Manager

- Video/GIF of the Error as it is happening

- Console Log roughly when the Error happens

Because you mentioned that your project uses custom plugins, you can also send a share link to our business email for a GDrive/Dropbox/Mega folder that contains your project. This would allow us to offer more than a general solution to the issue and allow for a faster response. Once the problem is resolved, you may revoke our access to the project and we'll delete any files we have locally. If that doesn't work for you, that's totally fine, we can continue to go back and forth in this thread.



The issue is Victor Engine's Basic Module and Battle Motions, specifically these 2 functions found in Basic Module



These 2 functions are called during the update function for Spriteset_Battle which sorts all sprites based on z,h, and y values. Foreground battlebacks added by your plugin are sorted to the end of the list. Presumably there is a small timing conflict which is why for an occasional frame or 2 the sprites were not sorted yet and the foreground displayed as anticipated. For now I have commented out Victor's Spriteset_Battle.prototype.sortBattleSprites function. I do not know what unintended effects this will have for fellow Victor Engine users, but it does appear to solve this compatibility issue with your plugin. I don't think there's any updates to be made to your plugin, just for anyone using VictorEngine, try commenting out that functions definition. I will update again if I find it breaks something else.