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Hello! Yes, this is entirely possible but must be done via script calls. Here is the bit of code you'll need to use for it:

SceneManager._scene._encounterEffectDuration = -1;
We can extend the plugin in a future update to include Plugin Commands for shatters to happen on demand in Battle or the Map.

Let us know if you have any issue implementing this or require further assistance.


MythAtelier Team

Yes, it has been found, please open the plugin file in a text editor or IDE and go to line 1646. You will want to replace the initialize function with the following code block:

Window_EnemyOdoGauge.prototype.initialize = function(){
    {, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1));
    {, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    this._battler = null;
    this._gauge = null;
    this.opacity = 0;
    this._displayMode = true;
Once you have done so, save your changes and run the game again. You should no longer be running into that error.

Yes, of course! Feel free to edit it to your needs as well :)

Thanks for the question. It is currently not possible to play cards vs cards in this system. Cards are played individually and then resolve their action before the next can be played. You will need to wait for the v1.7.0 update happening in a few months where we enable Enemies to have their own Cards and Decks as well. Once that is available, it will be possible to use Custom Zones in order to have Skill Cards beat other Skill Cards like you are envisioning (both cards go to the same Zone, they are compared against each other and one Card wins out and resolves). Hope that helps :)

Sounds good! Hope to see you in a couple of months :)

Thanks for your question, it's not that strange at all. Here are some answers to each of those questions:

- Enemy Cards and Zones will be a major feature of the Card Game Combat v1.7.0 update which is scheduled for 2025. There are workarounds that allow enemies to use Card abilities but you can't make them draw/discard/remove Cards as they don't have those game objects. For Mahjong, you can set it up to be actions between a party of 4 Actors with a dummy enemy (that is non-interactable so the Battle scene does not end until one Actor has achieved the victory condition). Actors have individual Hands, Deck and Discard Zones which would be perfect if you want to simulate Mahjong gameplay in this manner.

- Visible Discards are not possible with Enemies as they do not have their own Hands yet but are possible with other Actors who have their own Hands. You can also enable peeking at the other Hands of Actors or turn it off as I believe that is usually not allowed in most Mahjong variants. It terms of stealing Cards/Tiles, this can be done by creating a Custom Zone that serves as a shared Discard and allowing each Actor a chance to steal a Tile and add it to their Hand when it is added to the Discard.

- Yes, you can manipulate the Opening Hands by using the Equip Cards and Turn Start Plus plugins. This would allow you to give an accessory  item Notetags that add a specific Card to your opening Hand without fail each match/battle.

Hope some of this helps. What you are trying to do is possible, it will just require a lot of smart scripting to circumvent core behavior of Card Game Combat in order to achieve it. We would be happy to help point you to where in the plugin you will need to make the necessary changes to build your system :)

Thank you for your patience. This was a pretty major bug and I'm glad you reported it in. The issue was that Items were using the Notetags from $dataSkills instead of $dataItems. This means that not only would using Items Clear and Fill States incorrectly and it would also cause a crash if you made an Item of an ID that was higher than the length of the $dataSkills array.

Please make the following edits to the function itemEffectAddNormalState and itemEffectRemoveState in the plugin file around line 1129:

This should ensure that both the Items are using their proper Notetags and that the crash doesn't happen for Items of a higher ID than the number of Skills. Please let me know if this resolves the issue or if there is need for further troubleshooting. We will make sure this fix goes into the next update for Souls Status Bars. Much appreciated :D

- Neel

Thanks for sending in your report! You are right this looks like a bug (and a very specific one at that), we will get back to you with patch instructions for it soon :)

- Neel

We've investigated, and thanks to your detailed report we've figured out the problem! The issue is with this line of code in the CardReward Common Events:

for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) rewardPicks.push(cardPoolIDs.splice(Math.random() * cardPoolIDs.length, 1));

We wrote it this way to make it fit in the tiny Script Call line limit, but it was producing an error we didn't notice until now. We were pushing one-length arrays containing numbers instead of the numbers themselves! That is doing weird things when it comes time to group cards together.

To fix the issue, replace this line with the following inside your Common Events:

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 
var index = Math.randomInt(cardPoolIDs.length); 
cardPoolIDs.splice(index, 1); 

You may need to condense it to fit in the Script Call, or reorganize the calls, but that should be fine.

Let us know if this resolves the issue, and thank you for your patience on this.


The additional info is appreciated! We believe we have a good lead on what's causing the issue. Please keep sending through any info you have. We will update you once we have a fix/patch ready for this issue.

If you would be amenable to it, our active Bug Report threads are on the community Discord ( We can offer better real-time feedback to you on there. If that doesn't work for you, we can continue troubleshooting on here :)

Yes, it most likely would. Perhaps there is an incompatibility there. Would you be able to share a screenshot of your full plugin manager so we may replicate the issue on our end?

To clarify, this error occurs when you are trying to use the CardReward common events while the Deck Edit Scene is open?

Please attach a screenshot of the error or the debug console logs when this error happens as that will help us narrow down the cause of it.

Hello JinxTunes, thanks for your post! Glad to hear you are liking the plugin.

Unfortunately, VisuStella team have requested in a prior correspondence that we not attempt to extend compatibility to their plugins. Until their policy on this changes, we won't be able to go forward with the change you have requested. We will continue to negotiate with them until an agreement can be reached (it's more of a business issue than a coding issue),


MythAtelier Team

Hello again, congrats on the release of your new game! Gemcard looks fantastic and we are very much looking forward to playing it.

Thank you so much for reporting in these bugs. We have added them to our tracker and will ensure they are fixed by the time of the next Core Engine update. We really appreciate you taking the time to learn and use our plugin :D

Thanks for trying out the plugin! Yes, we can accommodate the warning changes in the next update :)

Hello Fooljastic,

You can follow the fix that Axial Escape mentioned here which seems to prevent the error:

This does not appear to be a compatibility error with Battleback Plus but instead an issue with Victor Engine itself. Please follow up with Victor Engine's devs to have them issue an official patch that addresses this bug.


MythAtelier Team

Hey spiderbob,

To check if an individual card in the library is equipped or not, you will want to use:


This is will access the origin value of a Game_Card object which will return "learned" if obtained will Initialization or Skill Learn, "equip" if it was added through Equipment and "state" if it was added through a State on the Actor. You can find a Game_Card by accessing any collection of Cards such as:


This gives you the top Card of the Deck as a Game_Card object which you can access the origin of using the above function.

To check how many of a card you have in the library, the script call you are looking for is:


This will return the amount of cards matching the Skill ID you pass in of the Game_Cards object you are calling it from (which is just any collection of Cards). A couple that might be useful to you:


This will give you all the cards an individual Actor has including ones they have in their Library which are not in their Deck.


This will give you all the cards in a Party's shared library if you have that plugin parameter enabled.

Hope that helped. Let us know if you have any further questions. We would be happy to assist :)


MythAtelier Team

Sure, we can work towards that for a future update.

Yes, this is an issue that is being resolved in the upcoming update (v1.5.0) which we are targeting to come out sometime next month. You can avoid this bug in non-ATB systems but if that is what you are building your game around then please wait for the update. If the wait time is too long for you, please feel free to refund the plugin for now and pick it back up again after the update :)

We unfortunately can't offer compatibility with VisuStella plugins for MZ at this time due to their obfuscation policy. If you require similar functionality, moving over to MV with Yanfly Engine Plugins equivalents should resolve most of the issues.

Sure, could you share screencaps of your Plugin Manager and the Plugin Parameters for this plugin?

We do include a basic Window Resizer plugin in the plugin suite if you want to make a game in smaller resolutions. For advanced options, we would recommend using another plugin solution such as YEP or SRD Core Engine. Cards change their dimensions based on what image you provide for them so all you would need to do is adjust plugin parameters (such as Hand Width, Button Positions) to fit the new resolution.

Ah ok, that looks like a bug on our end. We'll add it to the tracker to fix for next plugin update.

If you need a workaround for now and are amenable to editing the plugin file a little, I believe commenting out the Draw Text call on ln 793 should do the trick. This will still allow you to use Deck Points as a mechanic while not displaying it under the Card Preview.

Let us know if the issue still persists after this change and we can troubleshoot further if necessary :)

Hello, thanks for your question!

Deck Points is a completely optional feature in this plugin so if would like to ignore it you don't need to add the Deck Points Notetag for Skills. Deck Editor will still work without it. Additionally, you can configure what the Name and Abbreviation of Deck Points are through plugin parameters and setting them to a blank string will prevent their text from being drawn.

Hope that helps! Please let us know if there are any other questions about this plugin or any others.


MythAtelier Team

P.S: We are massive fans of Luxaren Allure and Weird and Unfortunate Things! Thank you so much for making amazing games with RPG Maker :D

Projected date is near the end of next month but don't hold us to that as something always comes up. We try to make sure to incorporate as many points of feedback each iteration as possible so the hope is even if it takes a while between updates each iteration is as comprehensive as possible. But there is always more work to be done :P

Sure, you can achieve it via commenting out this section around ln 741. This may cause issues when it comes to multiple states being applied on the same target (the bars will stick around until a new set of states is applied). 

Please use this as a temporary solution until the next update where you will be able to set the Fade Timer in plugin params to -1 (thereby disabling it) to achieve the less janky version of this effect.

Uh, we don't have Core Script 1.8.0. Core Engine v1.6.1 is the most recent version to date. Unless you happen to be from the future ....

In any case, would you be able to share screencaps of the following so we can help diagnose the issue?

- Plugin Manager for your Project

- Plugin Parameters for Deck Editor plugin

- Event/Script Call where you are trying to Open the Library

- Img/System Folder for your Project

Once we have these we will have a better idea of what is going on and be able to troubleshoot further.

Thanks for picking up the plugin! Let us know if there are any features you would like to see or if any bugs/compatibility issues pop up.

With regard to MV support, it's actually quite the opposite! MZ is an absolute pain in the arse to work with while MV is very easy to slap things together. MZ's code is a lot cleaner and better optimized but they make even simple things like resizing a window a nightmare because of the added considerations for rect formatting and multiple resolutions. The MZ Sprite classes in particular cause a lot of trouble when we port the plugins over because they are considerably different from how MV does things. MZ's method of registering plugin commands is so annoying that some devs just hack in a way for you to use them via the MV legacy method so as to not deal with the hassle (MZ3D does this iirc).

It's not all bad though just a bunch of hoops you have to get used to jumping through :)

There isn’t a way to not count a step as an encounter step right now (the plugin builds on top of how RPG Maker usually counts them) but it shouldn’t be too hard to include. Should have it in by next patch :)

If you could share with us screencaps/video of the following we can look into it as currently we are unable to replicate the issue on our side.

- List of plugins in your Plugin Manager

- Video/GIF of the Error as it is happening

- Console Log roughly when the Error happens

Because you mentioned that your project uses custom plugins, you can also send a share link to our business email for a GDrive/Dropbox/Mega folder that contains your project. This would allow us to offer more than a general solution to the issue and allow for a faster response. Once the problem is resolved, you may revoke our access to the project and we'll delete any files we have locally. If that doesn't work for you, that's totally fine, we can continue to go back and forth in this thread.

That is indeed quite odd! Thanks for looking into it. Let us know if you find any more about it and we can see where we need to roll out the necessary fixes :)

Got it! That gives us enough to work with. Thanks :)

Ok, so at least we have things working. We can make sure to fix the peeking error for the v1.6.1 patch. Last thing from you: could you open the console (F8) and then attempt to peek at another party members hand? Do any error messages or warnings pop up when you do?

Does the Skill that is tied to End Turn have the <willEndTurn> Notetag? That will be needed to pass the turn.

Thank you for sending in the video! This clarifies things immensely. It clearly looks like a bug because the Actor Status Window should be changing to match the character whose hand you are peeking. When you hit End Turn, does the turn not move over to the next party member?

Would you be able to provide some screenshots of the issue? Having trouble replicating on our end which means there might be some other errors happening.

Are you peeking before their first turn? CGC doesn’t draw Hands for them until their turn starts. As for Status Icons, are they not appearing on the Actor Status Window (one on the bottom-left)?

Hello, no worries, this has been reported by a number of folks. We have a patch coming soon that will fix it.

If you wanted to fix it yourself, open MYTH_CGC_PartyUI_TypeA in a text editor and go down to functions processTouch near the bottom of the plugin. You will want to change one function called inside it from activateActorStatusWindow() to activatePartyStatusWindow().

Let us know if that fixes the issue. If problems are still happening we can troubleshoot further.

The first screen is using RPG Maker MZ’s default front view battle system.

SRD Battle Status Window should be compatible, try swapping the order of the plugins to have the Odometers show up in those windows.

Yes, you can set in the Plugin Parameters whether Actors have their own collections or if the collection is shared by all party members. The UI is set up to accommodate both.