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(1 edit)

Thanks dude! Glad you liked it :)

Just to respond to your feedback:

  • Thanks! I'm not an artist and the sketches were the absolute last thing I added so that feels good haha
  • Yeah, might do some re-writes once I do some play-testing and sort the  numbers out/add some more features. My concept for the tone was that there's this wizard who takes himself very seriously, and the heroes who take their job very seriously, and then the MOOKS are average dudes who are under no illusions about the world they're in.  Plus, they're basically immortal, and when you're immortal you stop taking things all that seriously.
  • Yup, there is a GM, thought I put it in the rules but apparently nope haha, its just stated on the project page. I'll add that in. 
  • Yes! Glad you appreciated the different rooms and features, felt important to give the MOOKS some unique personality, plus it means you're thinking more strategically about when you use the powers or which player should get them so the game is slightly more than just rolling dice at each other

Thanks for the feedback, hadn't got to your game yet but I'll bump it up my list!

You bet I3RPG! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!