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Voices of the Void 0.7 feedback Sticky

A topic by mrdrnose created 92 days ago Views: 63,414 Replies: 445
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Hello. I’m playing this game in “peaceful” mode without scary things (15th day). But I’ve got 3.33 event in the basement meat room and sometimes nightmares.  So what events are still available in peaceful mode except theese ones? And for ideas: let breakers, servers, transformators and satellite servers break in peaceful mode, because there’s no big reason to make omega kerfus or buy the regular one: there’s nothing to break except tower.

Это уникольний экспириенс (во-в-ком-случае таких-игр-не-видэль) игра затягивает на многи-часы, ведёт поиск-сигналов. увлечение. Я lluseblulus cosmos и вы cdelali ego dlia menya её інтерёсне! Истолковые рахличные механики скрашивали рутинные работы на базе. Можно разговаривает на тему ВотВ в одной из стран, когда я помогаю вам в развороте!      

 хочу предложит какой нибудить в мирскую жизнь, что это каких-то нибуддов сооружения и не сооружения, активновские, а то мир пустовал и её сигналы! Это было сделано для того, чтобы сигналь не был одним из самых богатых людей, которые использовали 250 штук сигналов и в том, что они были похожи на других людей. Что тот считает, что его слова являются по-себе крутая игра завершает работу.   ПС. Не умея я писат красиво сочиния. 

First time player...

The game absolutely TERRIFIED me for a while... in a good way :D
First (ingame) week or so I was happy-go-lucky... until I noticed things...
...SMALL things that didn't add up... which cascaded into me constantly locking doors and changing codes.
Well done!

- The path-finding of the Kerfur is nuts, especially around / in the base, getting stuck all over the place.
- It would be nice if the Kerfur: had a charging station where it returned to - rather than returning to the player.

Starting out I had these CORE issues:
A: Couldn't figure out how the 2nd science station worked (changing speed, rather than the value was one level of abstraction too high for my brain).
- I gave up and ended up checking a YT in order to figure out how to do it.

B: Couldn't figure out the exact format for the sheet on the box.
- At first I turned the pages into a "TAG" that I attached to the box.
- It was not obvious to me that I could just put the page on top of a box and it would "stick".
- I gave up and checked a YT on what I was supposed to do - where I learned that I could click "report" to get it pre-filled.

All-in-all...   I've had a GREAT time in this little game.
I don't have Paypal, but I sent $10 your way via a Twitch-streamer. :D
Thank you!

Splendid game, lots of fun. The glitches I've experienced you seem to be fixing in that update post of yours (especially the damn hallucination burgers getting stuck in things and destroying my ears.) I think it would be fun to leave in the ariral picking up things it shouldn't though. There was nothing more shocking I've seen then it rip a lamp in half, pick up the top half and throw it at me. Could be a fun feature.

make the first kerfer have a idel

what do i do if my omaga kerfer just disepers, he was there and  i re-opened the save and he was no were to be seen just gone ,and i had him for so long how do i get him back?

Literally cant play the game because of some descriptor file not being able to be opened

pls help trying to make this work is cancer

(2 edits) (+1)

At the beginning of the game I almost dropped the game. Nothing normal happened in the game for 10 hours. Stupidly sit cleaning the base and catching signals for 10 hours. From the beginning I expected that the game will be scary because others claimed that it is a horror, only in the process of the game I realized that it is not even a horror although people said the opposite. But then something unimaginable started and some cat girls appeared and started beating me 10/10

please add task bar it's so hard to understand what to do


I love the game, but one of my sole gripes is the container management. Anything with a size larger than 450 flat out cannot be stored in containers like the mailbox, solely because it cannot fit in your inventory to move it to the container. A very nice feature would be being able to use alt+drop to store your held item in a container. That's like my one complaint.

game is awesome!  i have 2 suggestions to make items easier to use:

1. ability to select items with mouse scroll wheel

2. show the item name when it is selected

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