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Please, help!!! How can i pass that puzzle with the letters??? When i reloaded it was a different letter...

I'm probably not going to be able to help much, but I'll repost the other comment I put on the guide to the same question >.<should have the It can be a bit clunky though >.< If it won’t work, you might have to reload an older save or something :( 

Sadly, the engine I used to make this years ago was a bit dodgy, which is why I switched to something else after x3

Thanks for checking out the game btw! :3

This is the copy/paste comment:

I’m not really sure if I can help because it all worked when I tested it years ago, and I saw some people play through it on YouTube and complete the puzzle >.<

Unfortunately, I can’t even take a look at the files cos this project is so old I don’t use the same engine anymore + I lost the original project files years ago :( 

I do hope to completely remake it from scratch in the engine I use now though at some point :3 With any luck, that will make it less clunky! Cos the engine I originally used to make it was kinda buggy >.< That’s why I switched to something else after I finished Impostor, haha. 

Thank you for checking out the game though :3 And sorry I can’t be of more help >.<

(edit: also, this probably still isn't of much help... but if you do happen to press 1 wrong button during the puzzle, anything you press after that will be automatic failure pretty much >.<

So, for example, you press 'K' first, it will buzz for wrong, you then try to press 'I', but that will still be wrong because it's already looking for the 'M' at that point rather than the 'I'. If that makes any sense.

Basically, you have to get every single one right in the right order. If you click 1 wrong, you would need to reload from a point before the puzzle began and start again or it will always end as failed >.<)