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Came here from Royal Alchemist and Order has been a blast so far. Foolishly started a session thinking 'I'll just do an hour or so and then go to bed.." but the characters and world just sucked me in and now the sun is rising. THANKYOU!!!

I was wondering - the OST is absolute banger - a couple soundtracks that definitely made me tear-up - are they available for purchase anywhere? Would very much love to loop some of those soundtracks!

Thankyou again for bringing this world to life - an amazing labour of love that is reflected in every facet of the game!!! 

Speaking of 'world' - seeing Neri and Beringer again made me so ridiculously happy!


Thank you so much!!! Glad you enjoy the game so far :D 

Royal Order actually comes with an in-game Music Room that fully unlocks once you've reached one of the good endings! You can find all tracks with their name and composer there~

Thanks for letting me know! I was wandering if the artist Frequentlyaskedmusic has a Soundcloud, or some sort of social media etc.? I've had a look around but not much luck, and I absolutely love their works!

On a side note - please do consider releasing the OSTs as DLC or something like that if possible (and I completely understand if not!) - I would buy it in a heartbeat!

Thank you so much! We actually haven't released one because we don't have the redistribution rights for the OSTs. Maybe one day! We for sure would love to be able to release an OST for our games.

And the composer actually only has an Instagram although it's not very updated. (We vaguely remember there was a Soundcloud in the past but it's no longer linked.)
Their website is linked though~


Thank you for the links!

And that makes complete sense. Regardless, for another truly immersive, truly banger game - THANK YOU! Your world building and characters draw me in like nothing else - Royal Alchemist and Royal Order are some of the few games that have me giggling at my PC well into dawn :)

Thank you so much! We are glad you enjoyed both games!