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(1 edit)

Let me try to explain what I said.

First of all, I commented on this because I bought the game and enjoy it. Since I can't really directly contact the game dev, I had to leave a comment. You don't see me commenting on them because I either haven't played them or I haven't stumbled on it when looking up the game to try and find the page (when looking up the game on google, the first link is not this page, but the fake page.)

Second, I'm holding no one responsible for anything, I'm just pointing out something that is sad to see: an awful website that uploaded the game without, assumingly, any consent. I don't know if I phrased it badly, but I'd feel insulted if someone did that when the author clearly put a price tag so that people can pay and play a game they're proud to make.

If the dev comments on this and says that the website is allowed to upload the game for free, then I will gladly delete this comment. Until then, that's my stance on it.

P.S.: It's a good thing that I attracted the troll, because now it's easier for us to report his toxic behavior.


Aw man it's this early in the morning and I was (soundly) shown that I missed the point entirely LOL I totally reversed uno you in my head and that IS my bad, sorry.