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(1 edit) (+3)

Wow, just wow. I regret not playing this sooner. The whole game was a trip of emotions and I genuinely enjoyed every second of it. I also enjoyed seeing it improve throughout as you became gradually better at developing games. Shows that you put a lot of effort into it.

The story was pretty good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice bit of mystery, nice bit of horror, a couple metric-fuck tons of romance. And I found that it was quite good and unique overall. I also enjoyed the little unique puzzles here and there.

I genuinely regret not playing this as soon as I saw it. If anyone's looking for a nice and simple story filled with wackiness, horror, and a LOT of romance, then look no further. 

Great job with this game. Looking forward to playing Eternum next!

Thank you so much! I hope you like Eternum!