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This topic, about the future in the sense of pollution, climate change etc, it is really something I would have loved to make in this jam, and I'm thrilled to see some games about this.

Now, I was really confused about what should I do, I just built stuff kinda randomly, my popularity and budget fell down and I couldn't earn money to build more stuff, I was just waiting to lose.
I think a better UI would greatly benefit this game.


thanks for the great feedback! My teammate had an emergency on the last day and couldn't work on the game those last few hours. I tried doing some balancing in the end but he was the one that took care of the core gameplay and I didn't quite understand how it should all come together... So it got very unbalanced.

As for the UI, it really should've been better, but I didn't have time to polish it.

There were also some bugs in his code that I didn't know how to fix. 

All in all I think this jam was sort of a success for us.


If you had fun or you learned something, you succeeded :p