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Hey, I'm finding it hard to replicate this crash - If you have it happen again, would you be able to send a photo of the console logs? Also just double checking what version the game says for you? Thanks  😊

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't exactly know how to access the console logs. That may be because I'm playing on HTML5  but the one thing I do know is that I'm playing on version Alpha v3.3.1

If you maybe could tell me how to access the console logs I will send them to you.


on chrome and firefox (i think its the same on most modern browsers), hit F12 to open devtools. if that doesn't work on your browser, you can probably find the shortcut online. once in devtools, you should see tabs (elements, console, sources, etc). when you open the console after a crash, you should see the error as the most recent console message. it may have a dropdown, I would open that up!

Thanks for sharing this! ☺️

Thanks for that!! Yeah as contrick said in their reply, you can also right click on the web page and select "inspect" to open up the tab with the console ☺️ anything you are able to send would be a big help!!