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(1 edit)

sorry to bother , but it seems has some sort of problems with Android apk, it shows' package info  is null '

It never bothers to point out problems. 

Other people have reported this error. I've just uploaded a new version... if you can try again and see if you can play it

I tried it, but it's still showing the same problem, never had this problem before, I thought maybe i need to uninstall the old version, and now I can't have the new one install and I lost my old version with my savings 😂😂

😮 I'm really sorry... I don't know what could have happened since it's not something I really change every time... I just let the program run the android build. I don't know why this time some people are no longer allowing to install.

I'll try again... in the meantime, have you checked to see if it's something you can do on your device?

I've seen videos about it on YouTube

(1 edit)

I checked some ideas to deal with it, but unfortunately, I'm more a  ignorance when it comes to coding, and all the solutions for the package info is nulll, needs to know how to coding 😂. BTW, the new version u just update is working now, so thank u a lot for creating this amazing game and for doing so much work for helping us with these problems.