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Ooooh I like the idea of the angler trap, perhaps its a treasure piece sitting in the center of deep water and if you walk her to pick it up a large angler fish will appear under the water.

Honestly going further into the horror ideas couldn't hurt too, I'll see what I can do there.

One other idea for a modifier was with the mushrooms. "Spore dispersal active"  where maybe their spores would have some sort of effect on her. So you could see that their are mushrooms for food but if she does grab them, for 30s-1min she sees stuff. Could make for some funny actions like her seeing a pair of glasses and thinking they are some ancient artifact. And since im realizing we are her eyes, the siren song idea could mess with our radar and make us see treasure or enemies but their isnt anything. leading to scenes where she is confused searching for something that isnt there.


Interesting, that would be a brutal effect, I imagine she has a chance to see trash as treasure, so you could get a full haul of treasure then cash it in and only find 1 or 2 things of value in there. That definitely would be a mod that would be around 100k.

And yea siren song could have items and possibly enemies that can't be seen by her. Maybe a wandering or chasing enemy that she can't see, but the closer it gets to her the more static interference happens on your end. 🤔