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(3 edits)

Linux users are probably aware, but same deal: 

 chmod u+x ./linux.x86_64

I'm just getting a black screen with music, but I'll see if I can figure out why it's giving me a hard time.  Could be because I'm trying to run it on a 5+ year old laptop lol.

Trying to figure it out still, but if anybody knows how to run the Unity Debugger (or if this is something I can do as an end user) I might be able to track down what's going on.  It's not throwing anything to the terminal.  Could be an issue with trying to run Unity stuff in Wayland, too.

[EDIT]  Same issue running the game in an xorg gnome session.  I'll see if I can find anything else and update if I do.

[EDIT 2] I *think* the solution is that you need to set the UnityPlayer default for Linux to use Vulkan, but that may cause other issues - not totally sure.  See here:

I don't mind being a Linux guinea pig if you need one.  I'm running Arch, but I also have a Windows desktop so it's not like I couldn't just run it in that environment.


I've done some bug fixes to the Win version last couple of days as reports came in. Will reupload Linux and OSX binaries just in case someone manages to get them working. 

I'll give it a swing - I assume, just download and the "linux.x86_64" is the executable I'm supposed to run.  I'll see if I can get it going