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Hi Sk1ds,

I am interested in trying to design a car by converting a number of  car images from different angles to pixel art with Photoshop and continue with your car creation tool.  Could you please confirm that to run the Turbo Outrun car creation tool .ods I need to install Microsoft office?  Another thing do you think that in the future you can add the Road block with police cars or something else, and the only way to proceed is to drive up on a tow truck or trailer at high speed lunching the car into the air? 

Hello Magroc, it took me a while to answer, but here it is.

You can also use Open Office. It's free! And awesome that you're trying to make a car!

There are two problems with the suggestion of adding road blocks:

- In order to make the cars jump, I need to write some physics so they jump in a realistic manner. Luckily I was already thinking about the idea of going airborne. Think San Francisco.

- The police road block doesn't sound too bad, just like the passing train, but the conveniently placed truck sounds a bit like a predictable trope of an 80's tv show/movie. And I don't like being predictable, so I'm not sure about this one.

I really like the train though, but I prefer to stay on the ground and just trying to get in front of it.