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(3 edits) (+1)

Not sure where else I can leave feedback, so here I am. First of all I'm really pleased to see this type of game in this graphic style from who I think is a western dev? The Japanese devs have had a monopoly on this genre for a loooooong time now! So bravo to you! Now for the negative, I'll keep this as short and succinct as I can but, that's never simple with these kinds of things... My two main issues at the moment with the game are 1. The lack of filler ecchi content that is popular and typical of this genre e.g. upskirts, oniichan walking in on sister changing, finding her panties in the laundry, sister walking around in underwear, side boob/nipple peeks etc... Nothing ever really happens and it's quite boring and unrealistic in this genre. The time spent between each evening interaction just becomes a blur and monotonous... 2. I can't help but feel I should be able to do a lot more in the game based on the included instructions/manual and the impression your advertising of it gives, it feels like there is still a lot missing in terms of the basic interaction foundation. for example, head pats, hugs, body part poking/rubbing, skirt lifting and of course we can't forget the famous onii-chan dick flashing! Also gifting appears to missing too? While on the gifting topic I think it might be better to make the purchasable items at the mall usable rather than automatic... It really takes away the reward for your investment because you don't actively see or know when they take effect. Sure it might be convenient but, I think it takes away from the experience, it's nice to give gifts to our imouto right!? Anyway this is already getting quite long so, I wish you all the best with the development of the game and strongly recommend that more work be put into the foundation and making the players time spent throughout the whole day more interesting over flashy gimmicks or expanding the content further in terms of sex. I think it'd be wise to have foreplay included in upcoming releases but, I wouldn't say sex is a priority beyond that. Foundation and filler first for this type of game my friend :] (if you'd like further clarification on my points I'd be happy to elaborate)


Honestly, this is some of the best feedback I’ve gotten so far! Thank you. All of the fun stuff you mentioned is in my mind and will be added; “accidents”, rewards, headpats, gradually more lewd touches, and so on! It’s just that these mechanics all take a long time to develop for a single dev operation like this. It’s encouraging to find that you’re asking for exactly the kind of thing that’s of my mind, too.

Aside from Imouto interactions, I also plan on way more days out with her where you can unlock more romantic or lewd stuff. ^_^ Thank you for your great feedback and interest in Living Together! I hope you’ll stick around for the improvements and additions I have in mind.


You're welcome, happy to share my thoughts and feedback any time! One other thing I would like to add which i think is quite important. The watch should be made context sensitive if possible. It's tedious having to click it so many times to check info on the fly as it functions in a linear fashion. Best option here I Think is to have it automatically switch to the appropriate info based on the current screen menu. For example: If the player is on the top activity menu for any given time of day have it switch to show energy. If on a menu that involves changes to imouto's stats e.g. conversations or watch TV, have it switch to her trust and attraction levels. If at the mall, have it switch to show the account funds, so on, so forth. I think you get the point yes?